Throughout elementary school, math was a difficult subject for me. Despite having good grades in other areas, I was always slower to take in math. In the fifth grade, I was actually diagnosed with a math learning disability called “dyscalculia“, which is comparable to dyslexia in some ways, except that it is specific to math.

Sometime during high school though, things started changing. Math started making more sense to me. It wasn’t a result of studying, or any teachers (though I had several good ones). The math side of my brain started to “come-around” as I put it. Even though my abilities were still average at best, it felt amazing to me to be able to do things I couldn’t do before. As a result, my interest in math grew.

I’m not a mathematician. Currently I don’t go much beyond calculus, and have limited familiarity with some other more advanced areas. The purpose of this blog is to showcase some of my humble findings, and cool mathematical insights. I suspect most of what I present has already been done more efficiently by someone else. I’m more interested in working things out myself than in looking up how other people do things. Hopefully others will be amused by what I put up here, and perhaps I can make math more approachable to people.

2 Responses to “About”

  1. 1 Tim Basaldua September 16, 2010 at 11:14 pm

    Dear deadfrog,

    Your method of approximating a square root is excellent. It’s not original but it is the best explanation I have read.
    The inclusion of your own (made up) symbol was the light that made your mathematical expression so clear.

    I’m a high school math teacher, and like you I also struggled with math.

    Tim Basaldua

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